Hemi Sync Journeys Out of the Body Review

Journeys Out of the Body

Bob Monroe's first volume, Journeys Out of the Body, is an ALL Fourth dimension CLASSIC on Out of Trunk Travel! If you are just starting to explore this subject – this volume is a must-read. Bob shares numerous accounts of OBEs and detailed instructions on how to exercise it yourself.

  • one Groundwork Story to the book
  • two Volume Chapters
  • iii Analyzing the OBE Patterns
  • iv Locale I, Two and Three
  • 5 Where to order the book from
  • half dozen Teaching Out of Body Travel
  • seven Advanced Technologies

Background Story to the book

Robert Monroe had his beginning spontaneous Out of Trunk Feel in 1958, when he was 43 years erstwhile.

Bob had never heard of Out of Body travel before, so his very showtime OBE struck him with sheer daze. His first thought was that he was dying or even worse, that he was going mad.

When he somewhen realized these strange new experiences were not going to kill him, he decided to explore and experiment with Out of Body travel instead.  and to learn how to starting time and stop an OBE.

Book Capacity

Journeys Out of the Trunk was published in 1971.  It is a detailed record of Bob Monroes Out of Body travel accounts, which he had recorded meticulously over the period of about 10 years.

Robert Monroe was logging place, date, time and elapsing of his OBEs (Out-of-Torso-Experiences) besides equally temperature, air pressure level and torso position. In the book you can view many of his log files and come to your ain conclusions.

Analyzing the OBE Patterns

By analyzing his log files, Bob Monroe tried to identify a design or correlation betwixt the depth of his inner journeys and the outer circumstances. A whole section in the volume is dedicated to the analysis of this collected information.

Many more incredible Out of Body travel stories paint bright pictures of meeting angels, guides, normal and fantastic animals, non physical friends and people that have passed away. Each topic deserved its ain chapter.

Even sexual arousal during the out of body state and the issues that arise with it are discussed in a another chapter.

Locale I, 2 and 3

Robert Monroe also dedicated a chapter to what he identified as a Second Trunk. This second body kept the shape of the physical body, and appeared to him identical, only with added features. He observed that every human has a 2nd trunk. When travelling in this second body he discovered different consciousness states or places which he named Locale I, II and III.

Locale I is the Here and Now – the everyday reality. The perceptions of and in Locale I during Out of Body Travel may differ from our normal waking reality perceived by our 5 physical senses. It is quite possible to come across people and collaborate with them – talk with them – but the people would have no recollection of the conversation.

Sometimes, Robert Monroe would perform experiments with friends and family to collect show of his out of trunk travel in Locale I.

On ane occasion he decided to visit a expert female person friend. He knew she was on vacation, but had no idea where. He arrived at the scene and memorized all the circumstances and fifty-fifty had a mental chat with his friend.

But he really wanted her to remember. So he pinched her lightly in her side just above the hip and then returned to his physical body. Days later, when they met, she could not call back any conversation.

When he asked her if she could think the compression, she could non believe that it was him: She showed him a brown and blue bruise exactly in the spot where he had pinched her! She had felt the really painful pinch and thought it had been her relative. But when she had turned around to come across who it was – there was nobody.

Locale II is another world with infinite possibilities to its appearance. There are infinite different levels to it. Bob describes it as an expanse of energy fields, with no gravity, but some concrete laws. Here is where he meets fantastic animals, angels, guides and passed away friends.

Locale III is similar a parallel world, where Robert Monroe slipped in through a perceived hole. It is similar to Locale I simply with a different technology, political history and theological premise.

If you are looking for an indepth book shedding calorie-free on Out of Body Travel, this book is the one, as Bob Monroe was inhabiting places unbounded past time and death.

Journeys Out of Body newer bookWhere to club the book from

Depending where you lot are in the earth, you can choose the Amazon location which is most convenient for you.

  • US: Amazon.com
  • Britain: Amazon.co.uk
  • Spain: Amazon.es
  • Geramany: Amazon.de

Teaching Out of Body Travel

2 whole capacity in Journeys Out of the Bodyir?t=lucmincen 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0385008619 are dedicated to learning how to accomplish an Out of body state, with preparatory exercises, and detailed introductions and guidance.

Robert teaches you all the techniques of Out of Body Trave, he knew at the time. His warning yet applies today: When you lot once open up that OBE door, you volition not be able to close it again.

Advanced Technologies

A few years later the publishing of the volume, in 1975, Robert Monroe and his squad discovered the ability of Binaural Beats and created a new engineering now chosen Hemi Sync, which after became a very powerful tool for exploring human consciousness.

Get a headstart on learning how to OBE, and likewise order the Hemi-Sync Support CD which goes with the book.  Listen to a FREE Hemi-Sync trial

Out of Body Travel

Hemi-Sync Support for Journeys Out of the Body is an in-home training serial designed to provide Hemi-Sync audio-guidance to those who want to achieve this state. With practice, one can be brought up to the borderland slumber state, and through information technology, to experience the out-of-body state with total conscious awareness.

Robert Monroe Guide:

Monroe Books:

  • Journeys Out of the Torso
  • Far Journeys
  • Ultimate Journey (on amazon.com)

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Source: https://www.lucidmindcenter.com/out-of-body-travel/

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